Sunday, May 21, 2017

Midnight Marvel Hibiscus

This is a picture of our Midnight Marvel Hibiscus. If you are one of the few who were able to purchase one of these when they were available, you may be interested to know what's happened with ours. Earlier this spring, we noticed the plant was having some difficulty growing, which is highly unusual for Hibiscus in this area (we have 12 of them, after all). After doing some digging online, we discovered that this species of Hibiscus has only been propagated since 2012 and is extremely rare and hard to come by. The leaves are supposed to be a deep purple color, but if you notice in this picture they are green tinged- this means the plant was not receiving enough UV from the sun. We just moved it to a much sunnier area, and although the plant has dramatically reduced in size, it also seems substantially happier and I'm happy to say is growing rather quickly.