Sunday, May 21, 2017

Blue Java banana tree

We made the decision to finally buy a banana tree and although there are many types available, we didn't want some monster tree taking over the yard nor did we want a run-of-the-mill Cavendish (which is the type of banana that you can buy literally everywhere). We researched and researched and set out to find one of the few varieties we deemed appropriate. Braving the wind and the rain, we finally found what we were looking for. We settled on a Blue Java banana tree, more commonly know as the “Ice Cream” banana tree. The blue part of the name refers to the silvery-blue color of the bananas as they ripen, and the ice cream part refers to the white flesh of the fruit and the vanilla ice cream like taste and texture of the ripe banana. The plant grows quickly to a full grown size of 8-10' and produces lots and lots of fruit. We are excited to see what happens with this strange and interesting banana tree!