Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Easy Does It?

As I've written about before, we are removing a large tree from our backyard. What I haven't written is how big of a project it is turning out to be. Despite my somewhat undersized chainsaw, I finally got the last of the trunk cut up and drug out to the curbside to be picked up. This morning, I turned my attention to the stump. What makes this stump particularly difficult is that whenever our fence was built it was done so right over top of where the tree was growing. As a result, there's not much wiggle room to move a chainsaw around without taking a section of fence with it. I had to carefully carve out around the fence with a reciprocating saw. As I fought the stump into sections, I could definitely tell the intense Texas sun was shining today. The calendar says its another 3 weeks or so until the start of summer, but I'd have to disagree! As I finished up for the morning (with parts of the stump still intact, might I add) I began to feel a little dizzy. After I came inside and cleaned up and began making lunch, I started seeing spots. By the end of the meal, I had a headache, pains and a sensitivity to light. I slid off to bed, and that's where I stayed- I even called in sick to work. I'm always getting on to Atarah to drink more water when she's working out in the yard. After all, I tell her, dehydration is a serious matter. I know I was pushing it and tried to get done without taking a break; and I paid for it. Whatever you are outside this summer, don't repeat my mistake- make sure you and the ones your with have adequate shade, water and resources to be out in the sun.

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