Sunday, July 9, 2017

3-in-1 Angel Trumpet

Its getting to that time of year where everything is starting to show its true colors. The roses are blooming profusely, the hibiscus and lilies would like to take over, our various crape myrtles are all blooming, and the pomegranate tree has even decided to flower for a 2nd time this year. Of all the flowers in our garden, one of the flowers I'm keeping an eye on the most is our 3-in-1 Angel Trumpet. It has grown vigorously all spring and is even starting to produce its own flowers like the one shown above. However, I've noticed that its leaves have been yellowing and dropping, and the bottom half or so of the plant is now mostly stem. Researching suggests that it could be too much water, or too little. It could be too much fertilizer or it could be not enough fertilizer. It could be insects and disease or it could be the solution used to treat insects and disease. It could be that it's too cold at night or it could be that its too hot during the day. According to the experts, just about everything will damage an Angel Trumpet- even tobacco! I've decided that with my recent success nursing the Midnight Marvel Hibiscus bank from the brink, I am going to spend extra time and attention nursing this plant to full health. Various online sources also suggested that they make better indoor plants than outdoor, and I am going to take a stab at proving them wrong.

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